Shebuel Asher Paul J is currently a graduate Cybersecurity student in the University of Maryland. He has an avid interest in blue teaming and specializes in DFIR and reverse engineering.
He has worked in projects relating to signature analysis IDS, reverse engineering malware, exploiting vulnerability in Android OS, and security and logging features of AWS.
This page is mainly intended to portray his current research projects, the occasional CTF writeups and any other interesting Infosec articles that pop up.
The only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing. -Socrates
On a more personal note…
Hello there! My name is Shebuel (I do go by Sheb most of the time though) and my life is anything but complicated. I am interested in anything that poses a challenge and requires learning a lot of new things (One of the main reasons I chose infosec!).
Though my primary interests lay in the blue side, I do have a decent knowledge of the red side and like cracking the occasional box here and there.
I love interacting with other people especially in subjects I am passionate about. So if you want to collab on some project, discuss some new trends or just want a chat hit me up! Just send me an email at or ping me in discord (TysonAsh#3843) or twitter!
Projects I am currently working on…
- Deception in the field of Cybersecurity
- Playing around with Android memory forensics
Stay Tuned!
Thank You for reading!